OPI Integris Systems

For over 30 years, OPI has provided leading-edge grain management solutions to the worldwide marketplace. OPI has empowered over 25,000 farm and commercial customers in over 45 countries to effectively manage their grain in storage and prevent losses.

OPI is proud of the contributions it’s made to the agricultural industry in Canada and around the world in its 30-year history.

Its ongoing commitment to advancing grain storage management has yielded numerous innovations to help farmers and agribusinesses protect and optimize the value of their stored grain assets. As a result, OPI has become the recognized world-leading supplier of grain storage management solutions; helping to secure the planet’s essential grain supply in an environmentally-friendly way through reduced energy consumption and spoilage losses.


Insector – Insect Detection System

OPI Systems Products

Moisture Cables

Working with all four OPI monitoring and control system options, the OPI moisture cable is a valuable tool for your advanced grain management system. Monitor temperature, humidity and grain moisture content throughout the bin to manage all in-bin drying and conditioning applications. Combine with Integris Pro automated control system for the highest degree of moisture control and accuracy on the market. The OPI moisture cable has sensors placed on the cable—commonly at 4’ intervals in farm applications and 6’ intervals in commercial applications. Moisture cables are used in grain depths up to 85’. Each sensor consists of a relative humidity sensor encapsulated in a sintered filter that protects the sensor from dust and contamination, while allowing for instantaneous readings. By measuring the relative humidity and temperature in the airspace around the grain, we are able to calculate grain moisture content with a high degree of accuracy.

Each sensor also includes a temperature sensor, so that temperature, relative humidity and moisture content can be read throughout the grain.

StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables

The StorMax retractable temperature cable leverages industry-leading digital technology to record and provide vital grain condition data to your StorMax, Integris Basic, Integris Pro or OPI Blue Advanced Grain Management systems. Based on bin size, one or more temperature cables are installed, typically with sensors at 4′ or 6′ spacing throughout the bin. What makes the StorMax retractable temperature cable so unique is our exclusive retractable sensing element, which is protected inside a sturdy outer tube. This unique design combined with digital technology provides multiple benefits including:

  • Highly accurate to within 0.5°C or 1.0°F
  • Easy to install and serviceable by the customer
  • Easy to service whether the bin is empty or full, eliminating any downtime
  • Highly scalable to work with your current system, as well as future upgrades as your needs change

StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables are available in three sizes (Medium Duty, Commercial Duty and Heavy Duty).


Insector – Insect Detection System

The StorMax retractable temperature cable leverages industry-leading digital technology to record and provide vital grain condition data to your StorMax, Integris Basic, Integris Pro or OPI Blue Advanced Grain Management systems. Based on bin size, one or more temperature cables are installed, typically with sensors at 4′ or 6′ spacing throughout the bin. What makes the StorMax retractable temperature cable so unique is our exclusive retractable sensing element, which is protected inside a sturdy outer tube. This unique design combined with digital technology provides multiple benefits including:

  • Highly accurate to within 0.5°C or 1.0°F
  • Easy to install and serviceable by the customer
  • Easy to service whether the bin is empty or full, eliminating any downtime
  • Highly scalable to work with your current system, as well as future upgrades as your needs change

StorMax Retractable Temperature Cables are available in three sizes (Medium Duty, Commercial Duty and Heavy Duty).

Insector is an electronic insect detection system that can become an important part of your overall Advanced Grain Management program.

One or more Insector probes are placed in each silo. Powered by the Integris system, the probes capture the insects, measure each insect and record the size and time. Temperature is also measured at three-hour intervals. From this information, we are able to determine the captured insect species and measure the number of live adult insects per kilogram of grain.

Inserted into the grain after filling, Insector is able to detect insect activity sooner and with greater accuracy than conventional methods, such as:

  • Manual probing, which requires silo entry, skilled workers and is prone to highly erratic results, particularly at lower densities,
  • Pit-fall traps, which require silo entry and cannot determine population densities, and
  • Temperature cables, which although highly beneficial to track overall condition, as well as feedback to aeration control, are only able to detect insect activity after the damage has begun.

Insector Technology – Benefits

  • An “early-warning” system to detect and correct infestations before they spread through the balance of your facility
  • A decision-making tool by using the ability to track live insects per kilogram
  • Establish economic thresholds to decide if and when fumigation is required
  • Track the fumigation process to know if and when the job is complete
  • Minimize fumigation, but when necessary, help to manage the process to avoid over-fumigation or the build-up of resistance through improper application
  • An integrated component of the Integris system—know if the overall Advanced Grain Management program is indeed producing the best possible results for optimum grain quality

Probe Installation

The Insector insertion tool is required for installation. With the power off, push the probe vertically into the grain using the insertion tool until the top of the probe is 0.3 m or 1 foot below the grain surface.

Twist-Lock Connections

Single probes can be connected directly into the existing RTU network using INT4 (4-conductor) interconnect cable with new twist-lock connectors. A repeater is used between the probes and the RTU. Multi-probe installations are connected in a series pattern.

Remote Monitoring


The future of grain storage management. Remote access to mobile or desktop devices—anywhere, anytime. Timely in-bin grain storage data will update directly to your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer with automatic 24/7 monitoring and alerts.

  • Remote control of your fans, up to 80% reduction in run-time*
  • Weather station integration assists with fan control.
    OPI’s weather station provides reliable information about the ambient temperature and
    relative humidity conditions and then calculates the Equilibrium Moisture Content.
  • Hourly grain temperature and moisture readings.
  • Grain inventory levels.
  • Ability to view bins and multiple sites in a simple user interface.
  • New features automatically download.


Your One Stop Shop for Everything Grain

Storage  |  Conditioning  |  Construction  |  Conveying  |  Concrete  |  Repair  | Upgrades

Office Hours

April – October

Mon – Fri: 7:30am – 5:30pm

Sat – Sun: Closed

November – March

Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm

Sat – Sun: Closed


Office: 1-866-405-1030

After Hours: 403-332-0448


Shop: 1213 18 Ave | T1M 1A5 | Coaldale, AB

Mailing: Box 355 | T1M 1M4 | Coaldale, AB

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